There is no replacement for experience. Our Negotiation Team has spent their entire careers on the front lines negotiating on behalf of the largest enterprises across the Globe. This experience spans all service providers and service types. Collectively, our negotiation team has accounted for over $2.8 Billion in realized savings for Fortune 500 and Global 200 enterprises. While each and every client network, design, provider mix and service type utilized is unique, the one constant is our ability to deliver savings. Benchmark can be engaged at any time or in any scenario to extract the very best rates and terms/conditions from the carriers.
Our expertise does not rely on “perfect” scenarios to deliver our value. In fact, we pride ourselves on our ability to deliver the greatest results, in the shortest amount of time, regardless of how difficult or arduous the situation may be.
Benchmark Engagement Types Include
Full Network / Technology Migration
Full Legal Review of Terms / Conditions
Global & Domestic Sourcing Events
Improvement Upon Carrier “Best & Final”
Contracts with Remaining Term & Liabilities
Contracts Nearing Expiration
Multiple Carrier Competitive RFPs
Single Carrier Focused Negotiation
Why Use a Third Party Negotiator?
Since their inception, service providers have always stacked the deck in their favor when negotiating with their enterprise clients. So much so, that what seems a successful negotiation for an enterprise may only result in an average contract at best. At Benchmark, our negotiators have spent their entire careers negotiating on a peer-to-peer level with the decision makers inside the carrier special pricing organizations. Our team knows exactly the tools and leverages employed by the carriers and has the ability to hold the carrier accountable to the very best pricing in the market today. Simply put, Benchmark does not allow the carriers to control a negotiation, which results in the greatest amount of savings and most efficient negotiation timelines in the industry.
Benchmark Savings Analysis
In order to fully understand the telecom and cloud savings opportunities that exist, we provide our clients with a detailed Savings Analysis of the current services environment and quality of the associated contracts. Pricing, terms, conditions and commitment structures are all evaluated against the very best of what is being offered in the market and even what is on the verge of entering the market. With an industry unique focus on transparency, we provide a “Net Savings” number to reflect the target/goal of our negotiations so an informed decision can me made relative to acting on the opportunity. With Benchmark engaged the full potential of savings will be realized, in the most efficient timeline with zero disruption to business or services.
“Expertly negotiated contracts are just the first part of successful contract management. An enterprise must continually keep their finger on the pulse of their agreements and marketplace. Benchmark Visibility was developed as a software-based tracking & trending tool to manage service provider contracts & negotiation cycles”