Benchmark was founded by four industry veterans who realized how flawed the IT cost reduction industry has become. There has been a growing focus on increasing margins on one-time client engagements and a decreasing focus on reciprocal client/consultant loyalty. At the end of an engagement the consultant walks away with a large fee and the client is left questioning the value. Client retention numbers have been diminishing while consultant fees have been increasing. Benchmark has a reinvented focus on sustainable client relationships and increasing the net results for our clients through critical IT cost reduction methodologies.
Most IT cost reduction consultants in the industry claim the same resources, market knowledge, experience, results, clients lists, etc. All credible consultants will deliver value so how does a customer sort through the white noise? It is simple…if the consultant focuses their time justifying why they deserve a higher fee or trying to up sell you services you do not believe you actually need they are probably not the right fit.
The cost reduction industry is getting old and has become inequitably complicated for enterprise clients. Benchmark is correcting the industry one client at a time by bringing purity and simplicity back to the market through a renewed focus on maximizing savings opportunities with transparent results and consulting fees…creating a sustainable client/consultant relationship.
We have industry leading resources that out produce the field and are incorporating a much-needed fresh perspective on what a relationship with a customer should look like. Many consultants can get you results. The question is will you keep coming back for more…